4 min readOct 8, 2023

Be Patient.

Some wins you don’t even announce, just go down on your knees thanking the creator.

Nowadays, people want their request to be granted as soon as it’s made. They want whatever it is they need from God to be given unto them in less than a minute.

These things don’t work that way. God isn’t some sort of magician, that he would just snap his fingers, and then boom!! He has answered your prayers. God isn’t Santa Claus!!

Whatever it is you may be asking God for, it could be admission into school, or a specific type of job, or maybe something entirely different, and it’s not forth coming, and you’re worried, oh! I need to get into school this year, or I really need this job.

Why would you be worried?? Are you the creator of yourself?? Do you know what God has planned for you??

God isn’t asking you to figure it out. He’s asking you to trust that He already has.

Some time ago, I was in a situation where my patience was constantly being tested, and I felt my mental health was depreciating.

It took me different words of affirmation, to at least try to get myself together, telling myself sorts of inspirational quotes.

I did this everyday but i felt it wasn’t working or rather I felt that it would only work for a short period of time, then I’d start distancing myself from people again. I felt deserted. Nothing was working.

Then I decided that I had to do something, anything! and I’ve always loved writing. That was what brought me to Medium, and it has been worth it... Cause I’ve learned to understand I should be patient with myself, nothing in nature blooms all year and that everything has its seasons.

When there’s a fight between your heart and your head, experience has taught me that the best thing to do is pick up your Bible and remind yourself of what God says.

That was what I did.
Everyday I’d remind myself of His word, cause He doesn’t lie, and there was one I held unto:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

It took time, it always does. But gradually I started seeing changes and I was a bunch of emotions, cause at the end of the day, it was worth it.

Jesus slept in the storm, a beautiful life is not the absence of chaos, it’s the presence of God!!

What the enemy sends after you, shows you what’s in you. That’s why you’ve been going through so much, because hell is nervous about you reaching your destiny.

Hell understands that it’s in trouble, if you ever get to a place of your full strength, if you ever get to the place of a full knowledge of who you are, if you ever get over your the fact that people have hurt you and it doesn’t matter.

Hell knows it’s in trouble!!!

So give yourself a pat on the shoulder, cause for the fact that hell is nervous of you, means that there is a side of you, you are yet to discover.

Because other people are moving at a faster rate, doesn’t mean you’re failing.

God will never deliver your mail to someone else’s house. So if he blesses your neighbor, be happy cause God is in the neighborhood!

Sometimes it will be tough as if you offended God, sometimes it will be easy as if you bribed God, but nonetheless, stay with God!

If you’re reading this, I pray that God comes through for you. I pray that you never have to go through so much pain just to be happy. I pray that you find peace. Since God was the one to send you to earth, let Him be the one to take care of you.

Thanks for reading 😊

Have a Lovely week.


I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I write